Friday, November 16, 2007

Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives was the locations of a couple of teachings this morning. We were basically perched over a huge Jewish cemetery and across the Kidron Valley is an incredible view of the temple mount, the old city, and the surrounding areas. The first teaching covered some prophesy and the fate and purpose of the Eastern Gate (or Golden Gate). I would definitely suggest listening to the audio that Matt B recorded from this session. The second teaching was in the Garden of Gethsemane and basically used it a time for prayer and contemplation. The garden is really not that big. It was hard to image that this was where Jesus prayed that the cup of crucifixion would pass from him and where Judus betrayed Jesus into the hands of the Roman soldiers.

Lastly, on the road that Jesus took from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem on that triumphal entry, Jeff had his picture taken with one of the local residents. Do you know which one in the picture is Jeff? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a way to end the trip with a time of prayer and worship in the Garden of Gethsemane! I'll be praying for safe travels tomorrow on your way home, and I can't wait to hear all the ways the Lord has blessed you on this trip!
