Thursday, November 15, 2007

Where Jesus Walked

These are steps on the south wall between the gates where the common people entered and left the temple area. The steps that I am sitting on were original to the ones that Jesus would have walked on and where Jesus perhaps instructed his disciples. It was truly a highlight to actually walk where Jesus walked.

When Neil Armstrong came to these steps, he asked the tour guide where Jesus would have actually walked. When he found out and walked those steps, he said that this was far more significant than his first steps on the moon.

Our group has been very blessed to see Jerusalem and to relate to where Jesus walked, talked, and instructed. Tomorrow, we move on to the Mount of Olives (just across the Kidron Valley).

1 comment:

Alicen said...

Hello John, a friend from church informed me about your blog. I hope you don't mind me sharing your blog with others, as I have found it to be such a blessing.
Reading your posts really make us want to be there too! What a beautiful place... What a wonderful & profound life experince to actually be there and see the proof of His Word! Please know we're all praying for you. Have a blessed rest of the trip and a safe journey home! In Christ, Alicen Emmett